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How to get VMs to talk to Kubernetes

January 14, 2022
Kamesh Sampath

A very common scenario in an everyday cloud-native developer’s life is to make disparate systems and services to talk to each other. A classic example is how to call a Kubernetes service from a Virtual Machine (VM) without using LoadBalancer-type Kubernetes services, i.e. using Cluster-IP or Pod-IP.

These types of communication needs are common in typical production deployments. In production deployments the communication between Kubernetes nodes and non-Kubernetes nodes are handled with some sophisticated techniques like a VPC or VPN. In this blog, we will explore how to do that on a developer box.

So before we deploy the demo here are the few tools that you need:

Download or clone the demo sources from this GitHub repository:

git clone
cd vm-to-kubernetes-demo

For the rest of this blog, we will refer to the demo sources folder as $DEMO_HOME. If you have direnv then the environment variables DEMO_HOME,KUBE_CONFIG_DIR and KUBECONFIG are automatically set for you via the .envrc file in the sources. If you don’t use direnv, set them as shown before proceeding further.

export DEMO_HOME="${PWD}"
export KUBECONFIG_DIR="${PWD}/.kube"

For this demo we will be using k3s as our Kubernetes platform. We will setup k3s on a multipass Ubuntu VM. Before we create our VM and deploy k3s let us understand the settings that we will be using for the k3s Kubernetes cluster:

  • --cluster-cidr= this setting allows us to create 65–110 pods on the k3s node. In our case this will be a single node cluster.
  • --service-cidr= this setting allows us to create 4096 services on this Kubernetes cluster.
  • Finally we will disable --disable=traefik as we will not need or deploy any LoadBalancer services as part of this demo.

Let’s now create the VM and deploy k3s onto it. To make the process simpler we will do cloud-init which does the setup for us while the VM is created.

multipass launch \
  --name cluster1 \
  --cpus 4 --mem 8g --disk 20g \
  --cloud-init $DEMO_HOME/configs/k3s-cni-calico

Once we have the VM running, we can check its details using the command multipass info cluster1. As k3s deployed as part of the VM creation, let’s pull the kubeconfig to the host machine:

mkdir -p "$KUBECONFIG_DIR"
chmod -R 700 "$KUBECONFIG_DIR"
export CLUSTER1_IP=$(multipass info cluster1 --format json  | jq -r '.info.cluster1.ipv4[0]')
# Copy kubeconfig
multipass exec cluster1 sudo cat /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml > "$KUBECONFIG_DIR/config"
# use the $CLUSTER1_IP over localhost/
sed -i -E "s||${CLUSTER1_IP}|" "$KUBECONFIG_DIR/config"
# for better clarity as default name is `default`
sed -i -E "s|(^.*:\s*)(default)|\1cluster1|g" "$KUBECONFIG_DIR/config"

If you do kubectl get pods --all-namespaces will show all the pods in Pending state, that’s because we don’t have any network plugin configured with our Kubernetes cluster. We use the Calico network plugin for this demo, but you can use any Kubernetes network plugin of your choice as long it has ability to define host gateway routes.

Let us deploy Calico network plugin to get the pods to life:

kubectl create -f
kubectl rollout status -n tigera-operator deploy/tigera-operator --timeout=180s

Now let’s create the Calico installation to match our Pod settings described earlier and we also enable IPv4 forwarding to enable pods/services communicate to outside world via Calico’s host gateway.

kubectl create -f $DEMO_HOME/manifests/calico-cr.yaml

Now if you do kubectl get pods --all-namespaces you will notice all pods coming to life along with few Calico pods.

To complete our story on the Kubernetes side, let’s deploy a nginx pod and a service which will use for our connectivity test from the VM:

kubectl --context=cluster1 run nginx --image=nginx --expose --port 80 --dry-run=client -o yaml | k --context=cluster1  apply  -f -

The goal is to make a VM communicate with Kubernetes services without using LoadBalancer services. In our case we need to talk to the nginx service.

Let’s create a new multipass VM called vm1:

multipass launch --name vm1 \
--cpus 2 --mem 4g --disk 20g \
--cloud-init $DEMO_HOME/configs/workload-vm

Let’s copy the cluster1 kubeconfig into vm1, it’s not mandatory but it helps to do run kubectl commands from within the vm1.

multipass transfer "$KUBECONFIG" vm1:/home/ubuntu/.kube/config

The rest of the demo commands needs to be executed from within the VM, so let’s shell in to vm1, multipass exec vm1 bash.

Once inside thevm1, run the following commands to get the nginx service ip(CLUSTER-IP) and its pod ip (POD_IP):

export NGINX_SVC_IP=$(kubectl get svc nginx -ojsonpath='{.spec.clusterIP}')
export NGINX_POD_IP=$(kubectl get pod nginx -ojsonpath='{.status.podIP}')

Let’s try connecting to the NGINX service using its service IP $NGINX_SVC_IP or its pod IP $NGINX_POD_IP. You will notice both the commands timeout as we don’t have a route to reach the Kubernetes service/pod.

curl -vv --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 5  $NGINX_SVC_IP
curl -vv --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 5  $NGINX_SVC_IP

When we set up Calico, it set up the host routes and we enabled IP forwarding in its settings. Now adding a route from our vm1 to cluster1 for the cluster-cidr and service-cidr should enable us to communicate with the NGINX service using its $NGINX_SVC_IP or $NGINX_POD_IP .

export CLUSTER1_IP=$(kubectl get nodes -owide --no-headers  | awk 'NR==1{print $6}')
sudo ip route add via $CLUSTER1_IP
sudo ip route add via $CLUSTER1_IP

Let’s check the IP routes using the command sudo ip route show, and it should now have route to the service-cidr and cluster-cidr via the VM’s default route i.e. via the host.

default via dev enp0s2 proto dhcp src metric 100 via dev enp0s2 via dev enp0s2 dev enp0s2 proto kernel scope link src dev enp0s2 proto dhcp scope link src metric 100

Now when we try the cURL commands again, it should result give us a successful result like HTTP/1.1 200.

curl -I --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 5 $NGINX_SVC_IP
curl -I --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 5 $NGINX_POD_IP

Just to summarize what we did:

  • Setup mutlipass VMs cluster1 and vm1
  • Setup a Kubernetes k3s cluster in cluster1 with the Calico network plugin
  • As Calico has host routes to Kubernetes host VM i.e. cluster1, it will enable traffic to route the Kubernetes services from the vm1 using their service ip (CLUSTER-IP) or the pod IP
  • Finally we added routes in the vm1 via the cluster1 host IP to allow us to directly communicate with Kubernetes Pods/Services using its service IP or Pod IP

Cloud connectivity done right