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Service Mesh in the Real World Video Series – Episode # 1: Egress Traffic

If you are unsure what a service mesh is, or when it makes sense to use one, you’re not alone. While there has been a lot of talk recently about service meshes, the conversation usually focuses on the end user perspective of “what is it and do I need one at all?”. And, making things even more challenging, he ecosystem is flooded with different solutions and features, often without providing critical real-world context for why those features matter in the first place.. The truth is, it’s not all about the features a mesh has, but instead taking an application-centric view and thinking about what networking capabilities the application needs based on the use case and end users it is serving.

With that in mind, Christian Posta from and Sandeep Parikh from Google have teamed up to take this use case centric view to service mesh with Istio. This educational video series will walk you through the concepts and then show you how to do it through demos.

Each live stream will cover the following:

  • What’s new in the latest Istio release
  • Discuss a service mesh concept: Focus on a challenge for app developers and ops, show how the problem has historically been solved, and how service mesh solves that problem differently
  • Live demos of Istio and Service Mesh Hub

Our first session was Thursday July 25th at 10am Pacific | 1pm Eastern

Here is the recording

Join us online for the live stream to learn more about Traffic Control: Managing Egress with Istio and what’s new in Istio version 1.2.

Check out our entire series on Service Mesh in the Real World:

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