Pulling a Rabbit Out of My Cluster, Part 2: Make Kubernetes Vanish for Envoy with Gateway API and a Touch of Gloo

August 28, 2024
Jim Barton

In Part 1 of this blog, we pulled a Houdini vanishing act with our Kubernetes cluster. We showed how to use Solo’s cloud-native Gloo Gateway to deploy and manage our Envoy-based API gateway into a VM-only, no-Kube environment. And we did all of that without sacrificing the declarative elegance and standards compliance of the Kubernetes Gateway API. Nice bit of magic, eh?

In Part 2, we’ll take the control plane that we magically transported to a VM in the first part, and with a little hocus-pocus we’ll make it reappear in Kubernetes. We’ll lay all this out in a step-by-step approach that you can reproduce in your own environment.

But before that, let’s review the deployment models supported by Gloo Gateway that we introduced in Part 1.

Gloo Gateway Deployment Models

In this blog, we’re going to take a look at three deployment models for Gloo Gateway.

  • Conventional Model: All Kube, All the Time
  • VM-Only Model: No Kube, Any of the Time
  • Hybrid Model: Some Kube, All the Time

We discussed the conventional model and the VM-only model in Part 1 of this blog. Here we’ll focus on the hybrid model, including a step-by-step example where you can follow along.

Conventional Model: All Kube, All the Time

To recap where we’ve been, this diagram depicts the conventional model that Gloo Gateway users have employed. Note that both data plane and control plane components are deployed in Kubernetes clusters.

VM-Only Model: No Kube, Any of the Time

In Part 1 of this blog, we spent a lot of time considering a pretty drastic departure from Gloo’s original models. We placed not only the Envoy proxy and related data path components in a non-Kubernetes VM, but also the control plane. Both single-VM deployments and multi-VM deployments, as depicted below, are supported by Solo.

Hybrid Model: Some Kube, All the Time

Now let’s envision an organization that sees Kubernetes and cloud-native architectures as a strategic direction but maintains a substantial portfolio of legacy systems. Many of these reside in on-prem data centers and most haven’t been modernized.

Now let’s imagine that this organization needs to either add a new gateway capability or replace an obsolete gateway. Employing a managed gateway control plane using their own declarative policies might be attractive, but requiring a Kubernetes cluster to host the data plane components “near” their existing legacy services is likely a bridge too far.

For this organization, employing an architecture as shown in the following diagram makes sense.

Note that all the data path components are deployed in a VM with no Kubernetes requirement. This means that operationally, the Envoy proxy, ExtAuth, and rate limiting processes can’t be managed using Kubernetes facilities. However, they are presumably already doing this for their legacy systems, so it should fit well into existing operations.

Note that the use of a VM instead of Kubernetes to host Envoy proxies is not an either-or proposition. Many Gloo Gateway users program multiple gateways from the same control plane. In this situation, some of the gateway proxies could be hosted on a VM as depicted in the diagram. Others could be hosted in Kubernetes.

The biggest difference in this scenario is the interface between the Envoy proxy and the Gloo control plane. Although the former lives in a VM and the latter lives in a Kubernetes cluster, they are still connected via the xDS protocol that Envoy uses to consume its configuration snapshots. Since the Gloo control plane still lives in Kubernetes, the same storage frameworks and tools used to specify the configuration do not change at all.

Innovative Solo customers have occasionally used this hybrid deployment style in the past. But going forward, it will be a first-class citizen in the Gloo Gateway world.

Step-by-Step with Hybrid Deployments

How exactly do these models work? We’ll explore how to bring the hybrid model to life with a real-world example. We’ll demonstrate that hybrid deployments require no sleight-of-hand, even when using the Kube GW-API to program a non-Kube Envoy deployment.

In addition to showing basic installation of these new packages for the data plane VM, we’ll establish that the same declarative APIs are used to configure Gloo’s most popular gateway features:

  • Traffic routing;
  • External authorization;
  • Rate limiting; and
  • TLS termination.


We’ll carry out this example scenario using a vanilla EC2 VM and an EKS cluster. Note that AWS infrastructure is not required to use this capability. Any properly resourced VM based on a Debian or RHEL distribution should be fine for the proxy deployment. Similarly, any well-behaved Kubernetes distro should be fine for hosting the Gloo control plane.

Data Plane VM Prerequisites

We’re using a stock AWS Ubuntu image at version 24.04 LTS. It’s deployed on a single t2.medium EC2 instance in the us-east-2 region, running with 2 vCPUs, 4GB RAM, and 8 GB of disk.

Beware of trying to run this on EC2 with an instance size smaller than t2.medium. We encountered resource issues trying to use a micro instance.

If running with multiple VMs, you’ll need to ensure that the network configuration on your VMs is sufficiently open to allow traffic to flow between the control and data planes. Since we’re building this strictly for test purposes, we shared a single AWS security group across our two EC2s. Our SG allowed all traffic to flow both inbound and outbound across our VMs. You would of course never use such an unsecured configuration in a production environment.

Licensing Prerequisites

Note that VM deployment support is an enterprise feature of Gloo Gateway. To work through this example and install the Gloo control plane, you’ll require a license key as well as the Debian or RPM packages that support VM installation for the data plane. Navigate to this link to begin the process of setting up a free trial.

Control Plane Kubernetes Prerequisites

Assuming you plan to carry out this exercise on AWS, we first assume that you have access to an EKS cluster, or sufficient AWS permissions to create a cluster.

If you’re creating a cluster, you can use the AWS console or the eksctl CLI. We used the eksctl CLI utility as a simpler alternative to the console. Try this command with the eksctl CLI to create a modest demo cluster with two m5.large instances for this scenario:

eksctl create cluster --name solo-ggvm --region us-east-2

This command creates a cluster named solo-ggvm in the Ohio (us-east-2) region. If you don’t specify a region, eksctl defaults to the Oregon (us-west-2) region. A full AWS region list with corresponding codes is available here.

It will also be handy to have tools available for managing and monitoring your EKS cluster. Standard kubectl and helm are useful for managing the control plane, as well as the aws CLI.

Networking Prerequisites

You’ll need to ensure that the network configuration on your VMs and EKS cluster is sufficiently open to allow traffic to flow between the control and data planes. Since we’re building this strictly for test purposes, we used a permissive AWS network configuration to facilitate this. In particular, you need to traffic to be able to flow from the data plane components — Envoy proxy, ExtAuth process, Rate Limiter process — to the Gloo control plane xDS port (9977, by default) that we’ll later expose from our EKS cluster.

Gateway API Prerequisites

The Kubernetes Gateway API abstractions are expressed using Kubernetes custom resource definitions (CRDs). These CRDs are not installed by default, ensuring that they are only available when users explicitly activate them.

Let’s install those CRDs on our cluster now.

kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/gateway-api/releases/download/v1.0.0/standard-install.yaml

Expect to see this response:

customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/gatewayclasses.gateway.networking.k8s.io created
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/gateways.gateway.networking.k8s.io created
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/httproutes.gateway.networking.k8s.io created
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/referencegrants.gateway.networking.k8s.io created

Install Control Plane on Kubernetes

Let’s install the Gloo control plane by configuring an instance of enterprise Gloo Gateway on our EKS cluster. We’ll use helm to complete the installation, so we’ll first need to add its repo for enterprise Gloo Gateway.

helm repo add glooe https://storage.googleapis.com/gloo-ee-helm
helm repo update

Then we’ll run the helm installer:

helm install -n gloo-system gloo-gateway glooe/gloo-ee \
--create-namespace \
--version 1.17.0 \
--set-string license_key=$GLOO_GATEWAY_LICENSE_KEY \
--set gloo.kubeGateway.enabled=true \
--set gloo.gloo.disableLeaderElection=true \
--set gloo.discovery.enabled=false \
--set observability.enabled=false \
--set prometheus.enabled=false \
--set grafana.defaultInstallationEnabled=false \
--set gloo-fed.enabled=false \
--set gloo-fed.glooFedApiserver.enable=false \
--set global.extensions.extAuth.enabled=false \
--set global.extensions.rateLimit.enabled=false

Note in particular the last two customizations in this helm installation. Both the extensions for extAuth and rateLimit are disabled. What this means is that the default mechanisms for external authorization and rate limiting are not deployed along with the control plane in the Kubernetes cluster. Instead, when we configure the data plane on a VM, we will co-locate those with the Envoy proxy. That makes the most sense in this scenario since these two components are both delegates of the Envoy proxy, living in the data path of the request. Both of these components, along with the Envoy proxy, will receive their configuration from the Gloo control plane deployed in Kubernetes.

In less than a minute from issuing the helm install command above, you should see a response similar to this:

NAME: gloo-gateway
LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Jul 10 10:59:33 2024
NAMESPACE: gloo-system
STATUS: deployed

You can confirm that the Gloo control plane has successfully been deployed by using this kubectl command:

kubectl rollout status deployment/gloo -n gloo-system

deployment "gloo" successfully rolled out

Now we’ll create a Gateway object to define a listener that will be opened on the Envoy proxy to be configured on the data plane VM.

apiVersion: gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Gateway
  name: http-gateway
  gatewayClassName: gloo-gateway
  - protocol: HTTP
    port: 8080
    name: http
        from: Same

In this case, we declare an HTTP listener to be opened on the proxy at port 8080. We’ll apply that on our control plane VM using the kubectl utility.

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/solo-io/gloo-gateway-use-cases/main/no-kube-deployment/01-gateway.yaml

You can confirm that the Gateway has been accepted by the control plane. Note the Accepted entries in the status stanza:

kubectl get gateway http-gateway -o yaml

apiVersion: gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Gateway
  - lastTransitionTime: "2024-07-10T16:22:09Z"
    message: ""
    observedGeneration: 1
    reason: Accepted
    status: "True"
    type: Accepted

Make Gloo Control Plane Visible to Envoy

The Envoy proxy and other data plane components must be able to reach the Gloo control plane in order to accept the declared configurations. With a default installation of Gloo Gateway, the control plane is not visible outside the Kubernetes cluster where it is deployed. That would be a fatal problem in our scenario, where we intend to deploy the data plane on a vanilla EC2 VM.

In particular, we need to ensure that port 9977 on the control plane is reachable from the data plane components, Envoy and the processes for extAuth and rate limiting in our case. Port 9977 is where the Envoy xDS protocol is served from the Gloo control plane.

We’ll keep it simple to expose the Gloo xDS port visible externally. Let’s use kubectl to change gloo from the default ClusterIP service type to be LoadBalancer instead.

% kubectl patch svc gloo -n gloo-system -p '{"spec": {"type": "LoadBalancer"}}'

service/gloo patched

Let’s confirm that this change had the desired impact. First, we’ll inspect the service itself:

kubectl get svc gloo -n gloo-system -o=jsonpath='{.spec.type}'


Second, since we’re performing this change in EKS, applying this service type change causes AWS to create a load balancer on our cluster that we’ll use externally. Find the external DNS name of this endpoint using kubectl:

kubectl get svc gloo -n gloo-system -o=jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}'


Now let’s switch to our data plane VM and use the netcat utility to confirm that the Gloo xDS port is indeed visible to us.

nc -v a8df4e8c8248248a8afdbf929c2b7547-1140865470.us-east-2.elb.amazonaws.com 9977

Connection to a8df4e8c8248248a8afdbf929c2b7547-1140865470.us-east-2.elb.amazonaws.com ( 9977 port [tcp/*] succeeded!

To recap, on the control plane we have installed Gloo Gateway, we have configured a Gateway that will ultimately establish a listener on our Envoy proxy, and we have exposed our control plane service so that the data plane components can be properly programmed by the declarative Gateway API.

Data Plane Package Structure

Let’s turn our attention to configuring the data plane. We’ll first consider the package structure for installing in a No-Kube data plane environment. These Gloo Gateway packages are available in popular Linux formats, like Debian and RPM, and also as a single-stack AWS AMI.

The packaging comes in multiple flavors, to facilitate mix-and-match of architectural components across multiple VMs:

  • gloo-gateway – Envoy proxy data plane
  • gloo-extensions – Optional data plane services
    • data plane component that enforces external authorization policies, like API keys, Open Policy Agent, and OpenID Connect
    • rate limiter component
  • gloo-control – Envoy control plane services
    • Gloo control plane
    • glooapi CLI, delivers kubectl-like services in VM environments

In this example, we’ll only use the gloo-gateway and gloo-extensions packages, since they are required for installing the data plane components on a VM. The control plane is being managed using conventional Gloo services in Kubernetes, so the gloo-control package is not required in our scenario. See Part 1 of this blog for a step-by-step example that does demonstrate use of gloo-control.

Install Data Plane Packages

Copy either the gloo-gateway.deb or gloo-gateway.rpm package to the data plane VM depending on the distro being used.

Install it using the distro’s package manager.

For Debian-based distros:

sudo dpkg -i gloo-gateway.deb

For RPM-based distros:

yum -y install gloo-gateway.rpm

Configure the package by editing /etc/gloo/gloo-gateway.env and applying two updates:

  1. Change GATEWAY_NAME to a name corresponding to the Gateway resource created previously (http-gateway).
  2. Change CONTROLLER_HOST to point to the FQDN of the AWS load balancer that we exposed earlier, which fronts the Gloo control plane.

The completed gloo-gateway.env file on the data plane VM should look something like this:


Enable and start the Gloo API and controller services:

sudo systemctl enable gloo-gateway
sudo systemctl restart gloo-gateway

Confirm the services are running:

sudo systemctl status gloo-gateway

Set the GATEWAY_HOST environment variable to the address of the gateway VM. If you’re executing your curl invocations from the same VM where the gateway is deployed, you can simple use localhost as the value here.

export GATEWAY_HOST=<gateway-address>

Confirm Access to Upstream Service

Before we proceed with the gateway configuration, let’s first confirm that we have access from the data plane VM to the upstream httpbin service:

curl -si http://httpbin.org:80/get

If network connectivity is in order, you should see something similar to this with an HTTP 200 response code:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 02 Jul 2024 21:27:25 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 249
Connection: keep-alive
Server: gunicorn/19.9.0
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
  "args": {},
  "headers": {
    "Accept": "*/*",
    "Host": "httpbin.org",
    "User-Agent": "curl/8.5.0",
    "X-Amzn-Trace-Id": "Root=1-668470bd-316d5b880bc29dd81be77a63"
  "origin": "",
  "url": "http://httpbin.org/get"

Traffic Routing

On the control plane VM, create an Upstream component that points to the httpbin.org service. Then configure an HTTPRoute object that routes traffic to this service:

apiVersion: gloo.solo.io/v1
kind: Upstream
  name: httpbin
      - addr: httpbin.org
        port: 80
apiVersion: gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: HTTPRoute
  name: test
    - name: http-gateway
    - "api.example.com"
    - backendRefs:
        - name: httpbin
          port: 80
          kind: Upstream
          group: gloo.solo.io

Use the kubectl utility to apply these two objects to the Gloo control plane. It will then translate these objects into Envoy configuration and update the proxy configuration on the Envoy proxy automatically via the xDS protocol.

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/solo-io/gloo-gateway-use-cases/main/no-kube-deployment/02-route-upstream.yaml

You can confirm traffic the gateway has accepted this new configuration by sending a request from the data plane VM to the local gateway on port 8080:

$ curl -si $GATEWAY_HOST:8080/get -H 'Host: api.example.com'

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
date: Tue, 02 Jul 2024 21:28:55 GMT
content-type: application/json
content-length: 305
server: envoy
access-control-allow-origin: *
access-control-allow-credentials: true
x-envoy-upstream-service-time: 26
  "args": {},
  "headers": {
    "Accept": "*/*",
    "Host": "api.example.com",
    "User-Agent": "curl/8.5.0",
    "X-Amzn-Trace-Id": "Root=1-66847117-18992db741cc69c74fd033ea",
    "X-Envoy-Expected-Rq-Timeout-Ms": "15000"
  "origin": "",
  "url": "http://api.example.com/get"

As you can see above, the response returned from httpbin indicates that our traffic routing works as expected.

If the request doesn’t succeed, first confirm the status of the HTTPRoute is in the Accepted state on the control plane. If you don’t see a response that includes a status stanza similar to the one below, then try debugging by deleting and re-applying all the configuration steps above.

kubectl get httproute test -o yaml

apiVersion: gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: HTTPRoute
  - conditions:
    - lastTransitionTime: "2024-07-10T19:44:44Z"
      message: ""
      observedGeneration: 10
      reason: Accepted
      status: "True"
      type: Accepted

Another debugging tip is to check the status of the gloo-gateway using systemctl, then restart and recheck the status if there’s a problem.

Enable Extensions in Gloo Settings

You might recall that we disabled the extAuth and rateLimit extensions to Gloo Gateway when we installed its control plane in an earlier step. The purpose of that was to disable deployment of the pods that enable these capabilities in Kubernetes. In this exercise, we’re instead co-locating these components with Envoy proxy on the data plane VM.

But in order to activate these extensions in our environment, we need to enable these components in the Gloo Settings component. We’ll use kubectl to edit:

kubectl edit settings default -n gloo-system

Add these stanzas to the spec of the settings:

      name: extauth
      namespace: gloo-system
    transportApiVersion: V3
      name: rate-limit
      namespace: gloo-system

These *ServerRefs point to Gloo Upstream objects that tell the Envoy proxy how to locate these extensions at runtime. Let’s go ahead and instantiate those Upstreams now:

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/solo-io/gloo-gateway-use-cases/main/no-kube-deployment/03-upstream-extensions.yaml

External Authorization

In this section we’ll configure the Gloo external auth components on our VM, then declare and test an HTTP basic auth strategy on the gateway.

Install Gloo Gateway ExtAuth Components

The ExtAuth service is provided by the gloo-extensions package. Copy either the gloo-extensions.deb or gloo-extensions.rpm package to the gateway VM depending on the distro being used.

Install it using the distro’s package manager.

For Debian-based distros:

sudo dpkg -i gloo-extensions.deb

For RPM-based distros:

yum -y install gloo-extensions.rpm

Configure the package by editing /etc/gloo/gloo-extauth.env and applying an update to GLOO_ADDRESS to point to the host:port address of the Gloo control plane that we exposed earlier. Be sure to include both the FQDN of the load balancer and the port number 9977, from which the xDS protocol is served.


Enable and start the Gloo API and controller services:

sudo systemctl enable gloo-extauth
sudo systemctl restart gloo-extauth

Confirm the service is running:

sudo systemctl status gloo-extauth

Configure HTTP Basic Auth

Refer to the product documentation to learn about how Gloo Gateway enables HTTP basic auth using declarative configuration — and many other authorization strategies, too! — at the gateway layer.

In this exercise, we use the username test and password test123. The username and password have been hashed using the Apache htpasswd utility to produce the following:

  • salt: n28wuo5p
  • hashed password: NLFTUNkXaht0g/2GJjUM51

On the cluster hosting the control plane, we’ll create a corresponding AuthConfig resource. See the Gloo Gateway docs for a full list of supported request authorization strategies.

apiVersion: enterprise.gloo.solo.io/v1
kind: AuthConfig
  name: basic-auth
    - basicAuth:
              hashedPassword: NLFTUNkXaht0g/2GJjUM51
              salt: n28wuo5p
        realm: gloo

Use kubectl to apply this object to the control plane:

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/solo-io/gloo-gateway-use-cases/main/no-kube-deployment/04-auth-config.yaml

We’ll then add a new configuration object, the RouteOption, to point at our HTTP basic auth config. We’ll use a targetRefs stanza to automatically attach this behavior to all routes in our existing HTTPRoute.

apiVersion: gateway.solo.io/v1
kind: RouteOption
  name: basic-auth
  namespace: default
  # Apply this basic-auth RouteOption to all routes in the test HTTPRoute
  - group: gateway.networking.k8s.io
    kind: HTTPRoute
    name: test
        name: basic-auth
        namespace: default

Apply this new configuration on the control plane VM using kubectl:

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/solo-io/gloo-gateway-use-cases/main/no-kube-deployment/05-route-option.yaml

On the data plane VM, confirm that a request without an Authorization header fails as expected:

curl -si $GATEWAY_HOST:8080/get -H 'Host: api.example.com'

HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
www-authenticate: Basic realm="gloo"
date: Tue, 02 Jul 2024 21:35:51 GMT
server: envoy
content-length: 0

Confirm a request with the base64 encoded user:password set in the Authorization header succeeds:

$ echo -n "test:test123" | base64

$ curl -si $GATEWAY_HOST:8080/get -H 'Host: api.example.com' -H "Authorization: basic dGVzdDp0ZXN0MTIz"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
date: Tue, 02 Jul 2024 21:37:38 GMT
content-type: application/json
content-length: 384
server: envoy
access-control-allow-origin: *
access-control-allow-credentials: true
x-envoy-upstream-service-time: 75
  "args": {},
  "headers": {
    "Accept": "*/*",
    "Authorization": "basic dGVzdDp0ZXN0MTIz",
    "Host": "api.example.com",
    "User-Agent": "curl/8.5.0",
    "X-Amzn-Trace-Id": "Root=1-66847321-72876a3e65ef23100fd55f55",
    "X-Envoy-Expected-Rq-Timeout-Ms": "15000",
    "X-User-Id": "gloo;test"
  "origin": "",
  "url": "http://api.example.com/get"

See the Gloo Gateway docs for more information on how to create declarative, API-driven authorization, along with a complete list of supported protocols.

Rate Limiting

In this section we’ll configure the Gloo rate limiting components on our VM, then declare and test a global one-request-per-minute strategy on the gateway.

Install Gloo Gateway Rate Limiting Components

The Gloo Gateway rate limiting service is included in the gloo-extensions package. It can be installed on either the gateway or control VM, but since the gloo-extensions package is already installed on the gateway VM, we will use it there. As a general rule, you want the rate limiting service to be installed “near” the Envoy proxy gateway, which delegates to the rate-limit service as required to evaluate whether to accept a given request.

This example uses a simple one-per-minute global rate limiting config. You can be much more discriminating in your rate limiting than this, including rate limiting for particular users or classes of service, or even sets of request attributes. Learn more about the flexibility of Gloo rate limiting in the product documentation.

Rate limiting requires a persistence mechanism to track the counters of the various scenarios that are being rate-limited. Redis is the default choice for this storage, although other options are supported by Gloo as well.

In our case, we’ll deploy a simple free Redis instance. You can of course use a more robust enterprise Redis service, too.

Install the Redis service on the gateway VM. In our example, we follow this guide for a basic installation on our Ubuntu EC2 instance.

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install redis-server

$ sudo systemctl restart redis-server

$ sudo systemctl status redis-server
ubuntu@ip-172-31-14-244:~$ sudo systemctl status redis-server
● redis-server.service - Advanced key-value store
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/redis-server.service; enabled; preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Fri 2024-06-28 21:27:20 UTC; 1min 19s ago
       Docs: http://redis.io/documentation,
   Main PID: 6219 (redis-server)
     Status: "Ready to accept connections"
      Tasks: 5 (limit: 4676)
     Memory: 3.3M (peak: 3.8M)
        CPU: 205ms
     CGroup: /system.slice/redis-server.service
             └─6219 "/usr/bin/redis-server"

Jun 28 21:27:20 ip-172-31-14-244 systemd[1]: Starting redis-server.service - Advanced key-value store...
Jun 28 21:27:20 ip-172-31-14-244 systemd[1]: Started redis-server.service - Advanced key-value store.

We will use redis123 as the password to access the keys on the server. Add the following to the bottom of the /etc/redis/redis.conf file:

user default +@all allkeys on >redis123

Apply this config to the Redis config and restart the service:

sudo echo 'user default +@all allkeys on >redis123' >> /etc/redis/redis.conf
sudo systemctl restart redis-server

Configure the package by editing /etc/gloo/gloo-ratelimiter.env and applying two updates:

  1. Set REDIS_PASSWORD=redis123.
  2. Change GLOO_ADDRESS to point to the host:port address of the Gloo control plane that we exposed earlier. Be sure to include both the FQDN of the load balancer as well as the port 9977, from which the xDS protocol is served.

The completed gloo-ratelimiter.env file on the data plane VM should look something like this:


Note in particular that the REDIS_PASSWORD field matches our new global password.

Enable and start the gloo-ratelimiter service on the data plane VM:

sudo systemctl enable gloo-ratelimiter
sudo systemctl restart gloo-ratelimiter

Configure Rate Limiting

Apply a global rate limit config to limit requests to one per minute:

apiVersion: ratelimit.solo.io/v1alpha1
kind: RateLimitConfig
  name: ratelimit-config
  namespace: gloo-system
    - key: generic_key
      value: counter
        requestsPerUnit: 1
        unit: MINUTE
    - actions:
      - genericKey:
          descriptorValue: counter

Apply this new rate limit specification on the control plane VM using kubectl:

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/solo-io/gloo-gateway-use-cases/main/no-kube-deployment/06-rate-limit.yaml

Now we’ll add this to our gateway’s configuration by creating a new RouteOption object that points at our RateLimitConfig, and we’ll again use the targetRefs stanza to attach this rate limiting behavior to all the routes on our existing HTTPRoute.

apiVersion: gateway.solo.io/v1
kind: RouteOption
  name: ratelimit
  namespace: default
  # Apply this ratelimit RouteOption to all routes in the test HTTPRoute
  - group: gateway.networking.k8s.io
    kind: HTTPRoute
    name: test
      - name: ratelimit-config
        namespace: gloo-system

Apply the new rate limiting RouteOption using kubectl:

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/solo-io/gloo-gateway-use-cases/main/no-kube-deployment/07-rl-route-option.yaml

Confirm requests are being rate limited by issuing the same request to the gateway twice in succession. The first should be processed with no problem. The second should be rejected at the gateway layer with an HTTP 429 Too Many Requests error.

$ curl -si $GATEWAY_HOST:8080/get -H 'Host: api.example.com' -H "Authorization: basic dGVzdDp0ZXN0MTIz"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
date: Tue, 02 Jul 2024 21:43:31 GMT
content-type: application/json
content-length: 305
server: envoy

$ curl -si $GATEWAY_HOST:8080/get -H 'Host: api.example.com' -H "Authorization: basic dGVzdDp0ZXN0MTIz"
HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests
x-envoy-ratelimited: true
date: Tue, 02 Jul 2024 21:43:33 GMT
server: envoy
content-length: 0

TLS Termination

Create certificates on your workstation that will be used to secure communication between the Envoy proxy and its clients, and then install them as a Secret on your Kubernetes cluster:

mkdir certs

openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj '/O=any domain/CN=*' -keyout certs/root.key -out certs/root.crt

openssl req -out certs/gateway.csr -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout certs/gateway.key -subj "/CN=*/O=any domain"
openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 365 -CA certs/root.crt -CAkey certs/root.key -set_serial 0 -in certs/gateway.csr -out certs/gateway.crt

kubectl create secret tls gateway-tls --key certs/gateway.key --cert certs/gateway.crt
kubectl label secret gateway-tls gateway=http-gateway

Modify the Gateway component to add an HTTPS listener on the proxy listening on port 8443.

apiVersion: gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Gateway
  name: http-gateway
  gatewayClassName: gloo-gateway
  - protocol: HTTP
    port: 8080
    name: http
        from: Same
  # New Gateway listener to handle HTTPS traffic on port 8443 using certs
  # created earlier
  - protocol: HTTPS
    port: 8443
    name: https
        from: Same
      mode: Terminate
        - name: gateway-tls
          kind: Secret

Apply this new Gateway config on the Gloo control plane:

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/solo-io/gloo-gateway-use-cases/main/no-kube-deployment/08-https-gateway.yaml

Back on the data plane VM, confirm that the HTTPS request succeeds:

curl -ik https://$GATEWAY_HOST:8443/get -H "Host: api.example.com" -H "Authorization: basic dGVzdDp0ZXN0MTIz"

HTTP/2 200
date: Tue, 02 Jul 2024 21:45:43 GMT
content-type: application/json
content-length: 305
server: envoy
access-control-allow-origin: *
access-control-allow-credentials: true
x-envoy-upstream-service-time: 22
  "args": {},
  "headers": {
    "Accept": "*/*",
    "Authorization": "basic dGVzdDp0ZXN0MTIz",
    "Host": "api.example.com",
    "User-Agent": "curl/8.5.0",
    "X-Amzn-Trace-Id": "Root=1-66847507-5e386fa3116eba785aa2da7f",
    "X-Envoy-Expected-Rq-Timeout-Ms": "15000"
  "origin": "",
  "url": "http://api.example.com/get"

Since the rate limiting configuration is still in place, you should also be able to re-issue the same request within a minute and see the expect HTTP 429 Too Many Requests error:

curl -ik https://$GATEWAY_HOST:8443/get -H "Host: api.example.com" -H "Authorization: basic dGVzdDp0ZXN0MTIz"

HTTP/2 429
x-envoy-ratelimited: true
date: Tue, 02 Jul 2024 21:45:46 GMT
server: envoy

Cleanup Gloo Gateway Resources

Gateway / Data Plane VM

sudo systemctl stop gloo-gateway
sudo systemctl stop gloo-extauth
sudo systemctl stop gloo-ratelimiter

On Debian-based distros:

sudo dpkg --purge gloo-gateway
sudo dpkg --purge gloo-extensions
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/gloo/ /etc/gloo

On RHEL-based distros:

sudo yum -y remove gloo-gateway
sudo yum -y remove gloo-extensions
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/gloo/ /etc/gloo

Control Plane Cluster

If you created the cluster using eksctl as described in the Prerequisites section and would like to delete the cluster now:

eksctl delete cluster --name solo-ggvm

If you want to maintain your cluster but remove all Gloo Gateway and Gateway API artifacts, then download and use the glooctl CLI on your workstation:

curl -sL https://run.solo.io/gloo/install | sh
export PATH=$HOME/.gloo/bin:$PATH

Once glooctl is installed, then you can easily remove Gloo Gateway from your cluster:

glooctl uninstall --all
kubectl delete -f https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/gateway-api/releases/download/v1.0.0/standard-install.yaml

Recap and Next Steps

If you’ve followed along to this point, congratulations! We’ve deployed the entire Gloo Gateway infrastructure in a hybrid environment, with the data plane on an EC2 VM and the control plane in an EKS cluster. We’ve established TLS termination for all services in our gateway layer. Plus, we’ve configured basic traffic routing and some advanced features like external authorization and rate limiting. And we did this all with a Kubernetes-standard, declarative API.

Gloo Gateway equips its users with a unified control plane and delivers many operational benefits across both Kubernetes and non-Kube platforms:

  • Simplified Management: Benefit from a single interface for managing both API gateway and service mesh components, reducing the burden of overseeing multiple systems.
  • Consistent Policies: Enforce consistent security, traffic management, observability, and compliance policies across Kube and non-Kube infrastructure, ensuring uniform adherence to best practices.
  • Streamlined Operations: Isolate and resolve operational issues quickly by leveraging the centralized monitoring, logging, and troubleshooting capabilities provided by the unified control plane.
  • Enhanced Observability: Enjoy heightened visibility into traffic patterns, performance metrics, and error rates across different types of infrastructure.

To experience the Gloo Gateway magic across multiple platforms for yourself, request a live demo here or a trial of the enterprise product here.

If you’d like to explore the more conventional Kube-only deployment approach with the Gateway API, check out this tutorial blog.

Explore all the configuration used in this exercise is available in GitHub here.

If you have questions or would like to stay closer to Solo’s streams of innovation, subscribe to our YouTube channel or join our Slack community.


One of the great things about working with Solo is that there are lot of people smarter than I am to provide advice and reviews. Many thanks to Shashank Ram for doing much of the core engineering work and supporting me throughout this process. And also thank you to Ram Vennam and Christian Posta for their insights that greatly enhanced this blog.

Cloud connectivity done right