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The 3 best ways to learn Flux and Flagger for GitOps with your Envoy Proxy API gateways

November 16, 2021
Daniel Wessels

GitOps continues to gain traction as the preferred model for application development and delivery in the age of Kubernetes-orchestrated containers. Here at, we are constantly exploring the best ways for you to incorporate Istio and Envoy Proxy for service meshes and API gateways with your GitOps strategy. As you learn about other open source GitOps tools like Flux and Flagger, take a moment to see how these can be integrated with Gloo Edge for a complete solution.

Understanding GitOps and Flux

We recommend starting with our GitOps Hoot episode where we have an open interview with the lead developer of Flux and Flagger, Stephan Prodan, and Solo’s head of engineering, Yuval Kohavi. They’ll cover an introduction to GitOps and an update on Flux 2.

Progressive delivery with GitOps and Gloo Edge

Next up, check out our blog on progressive delivery with GitOps by field engineer Sai Ekbote on how the Gloo Edge API gateway, in conjunction with Fluxcd and Flagger, aims to minimize developer pain and increase team velocity by simplifying progressive delivery through GitOps.

Multi-cluster provisioning with GitOps and Gloo Edge

You don’t want to miss our blog on Gloo Edge API gateway multi-cluster provisioning with GitOps. You’ll learn how to use Fluxcd for GitOps to clone Kubernetes (K8s) clusters. Git commits will be used to configure the API gateway with transport layer security (TLS), authentication, rate limiting, and transformation.

We also put together a deep dive demo so you can see GitOps and Gloo Edge in action!

Getting started

As always, if you want expert help or advice to achieve success with your own GitOps and API gateways, don’t hesitate to contact our team.

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